Friday, March 8, 2019

SOL #8 I Was That Girl

She sat at the table. Here she was again.  That burning disgust brewed in her belly as she looked down at her scuffed up sneakers.  Pulling on the denim threads and scratching the skin of her knee, she made the hole in her pants bigger.  It would never be big enough.
She would need a hole much larger.  A home to dive in and escape herself.  Escape her and her bad self.  Why couldn't she does do as she was told?  Why did she always seem to say the wrong thing?
The pretty girls with the big JoJo stupid bows in their hair looked back at her as they lined up for recess.
Here she was again.


  1. Big stupid JoJo bows! (Ha!) I want to know more about this girl and why she was there again.....

  2. So many questions...I see a chapter for each one. Love this!

  3. Wow, I love the images. I had to Google JoJo bows to make sure I had the right picture- in researching that it explains a few of my girls from the last few years.

  4. I love the imagery you have used in this slice, especially with the hole! The JoJo bows made me laugh. My kids are 26 and 22. I work with a teacher who has a girl who is in kindergarten. She showed me a video of the first day of school and all these girls had big bows in their hair. I asked her what the deal was and she said oh, you don't know JoJo! My daughter would have been the one in jeans and a bow would be the last thing she had in her hair! This is a great piece - and obviously not crap! :)
