Friday, March 15, 2019

SOL #15 A Slice of Lent

Examen Prayer Card - version from A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer by Jim Manney

In preparing for my son's first Holy Communion and guiding his classmates as their teacher, I have been more conscious of Lent.  I learned about St Ignatius's examining conscience prayer.  It is similar to the prayers that my boys and I say at night.  We think about the best part of our day and then we thank God for that good part of our day.  
This week's news about airplanes crashing and then yesterday's mass murder in New Zealand hit too close to my heart. My parents came home on Monday from Australia and New Zealand.  I thanked God for my parents to be home safe.  I thanked God that I don't have to worry.  
Part of the prayer is to reflect on my shortcomings.  I didn't pray for the lives lost.  I didn't think of the families broken.  I thought of me and my family.  God, bring me closer to your grace.


  1. My son is making his first Communion this year too. I'm impressed you are the religious education teacher! It's been challenging to get my son to want to go to religion. We aren't a very religious family and I have guilt over not taking my son to church more often. I went to Catholic elementary school and worked for Campus Ministries in college. I was even a Eucharistic minster. But since graduating college, I've drifted from feeling connected to the church. At the same time, the idea of not giving my children a faith foundation is upsetting. I want them to make their sacraments. I want them to believe in God and have someone to pray to on the darkest days. Part of your prayer, thanking God for safety, makes me question whether God is responsible for that at all. Because why do some families get to be safe and others destroyed? Clearly, faith is complicated for me.

    1. Oh we struggle too! The most difficult student in my class is my son. I think faith is complicated for everyone. I am excited for my sons first Communion but a little scared about first Reconciliation because I want to be a good model which will mean I have to confront my shortcomings.

  2. Religion is so complicated for us all. Nobody is perfect, nor should that necessarily be the goal. Good luck in the coming weeks.

  3. I'm so glad your parents returned home safely. We all need God's grace! This slice reminds me of my own daughter's reconciliation - I think I have my slice for tomorrow! Thanks!
