Thursday, March 21, 2019

SOL #21 The Quietest Part of My Day

How lovely!
Some time for myself.
I sit here with my thoughts in peace and quiet.
 I've been running all day and I finally have some time to relax and just be with the still of my brain. My brain has been a constant motion of decisions and questions and requestioning.
This peace is such a delight.  A reprieve from the constant barrage of noise and demands. What a gift just to be still and anonymous.  Nobody here needs my approval or food or supplies or butt wiping.
It is just me.
Me time.

Gotta go they just called me in for my dental cleaning.


  1. Ha! I tried to write my post today with both kids around me and my brain empty of ideas. But we are making it happen- look at us- day 21! So glad you are doing the challenge and hope your cleaning went well!

  2. Ha- being a mom with young kids means you have a new view of time. Seize the moments where you find them- even if it is at the dentist's waiting room!

  3. I love how you changed the tempo of this writing and ended...with movement again. Hope you have some quiet time soon!
