Sunday, March 3, 2019

SOL #3 The Treadmill Calls

Image result for treadmill screen pictures
What makes you so daunting?
Why do I run and hide?
I bury myself under comfy blankets only poking my nose out for a slurp of hot coffee. 
I find projects and excuses once I emerge.
The guilt bubbles in my gut.
Once, I'm there I'm fine.  I mean, I'm not fine. I hate it. But I do it.
I promise, "Right after blah, blah, blah.."
Oh no. I just finished my coffee.
but this remodeling show has not shown the big reveal yet.
I should tweeze my eyebrows today.
What are the kids doing?
I have to go to the grocery store.
But, if I get ready to go to the store, I wont want to get all sweaty later.
I should get on the treadmill now.
In just a


  1. Haha this is great. So much voice shines through your word choice and lines. And I can relate!

  2. Hi Liz!! I'm so glad you are here and I love your post! As I type this, I am procrastinating my can totally relate!

    1. I would love to reply but the remodeling show is over and I have to go workout. ;)

  3. I get up at 4:30 a.m. or else my tired badonk would NEVER make it to the gym. You did such a nice job creating a very relatable post. I HATE it, but I LOVE when it's over and I'm walking to my car, driving away. DONE!

  4. I feel like you described my very dilemma this morning (though mine is with an elliptical rather than a treadmill). It's hard to make the right choice when we are being pulled in many directions.

  5. I can feel the tension in this piece and then the release of just a few minutes! This describes me perfectly. I can make any excuse not to exercise. Great slice!

  6. Wow! Thank you all for your comments. This validation undermines that fear of my writing wont be deep enough. Good news. I got on the treadmill and now I have less excuses to avoid writing. Thanks Slice Community!

  7. Ack, your slice speaks to me. I avoid exercise and just got the bad news that my cholesterol is high, so now I have to do something physical...Good for you to have the treadmill- that is step one (ha!). I purposefully picked an apartment with a gym and since moving here in late July I have used the gym 0 times.
