Tuesday, March 26, 2019

SOL #26 Loving the Trenches

I like being a classroom teacher.  Some of my colleagues have left the classroom to specialize in one area. "C'mon! No report cards.  No parent-teacher nonsense You get to teach one subject and get really good at that subject."
But the thing is, I don't teach subjects.  I teach little humans. I enjoy all the areas we explore together.  I get to see their strengths and help build the bridges across those murky waters.  Yes, there is the parent-teacher nonsense but that comes with the privilege to spend my days with their people. Plus, it always makes for a good story later.
I like being home base.  I love knowing my kids.
I am in the trenches, but I don't want to be anywhere else.


  1. I totally agree- through the years there has been a lot of outside pressure to move "up" to be a coach or another type of specialist, but I know I would miss the classroom too much. I like your description of being in the trenches!

  2. I have loved teaching, but some days the trenches do me in!
