Sunday, March 31, 2019

SOL #31 The Top of the Hill

Flat road tires me some but it is the hill in front of me that daunts me. As I get closer, the dread in my stomach grows heavier.  I can turn around now and enjoy the flat road but I want to get to the other side.  I'm just not looking forward to the discomfort and sweat.
Here it is. The bottom of the hill.  I dig my heels down and feel the strength in my quads.  I'm doing it. Wow. I'm stronger than I thought. I push on. I'm going to do it,
Whew. The incline grows steeper. I'm out of my seat now and pushing hard.  Feeling the burn up through my legs I tighten my abs and glutes and push on.  The pedals fight back and the wheels move less smoothly.  Doubt creeps in.  If I turn now, I could coast back home.
The top of the hill is closer now than the bottom.  I should be able to do this. I am barely moving now. It takes everything in me to push one pedal down. I can pull over and lay down in the grass.  One more push. One more push. The top of the hill creeps closer.  One more push. One more push. Loathing and disgust drip with the sweat. But it's one more push. One more push.


  1. Congratulations on completing the challenge! I have enjoyed reading your posts everyday, especially when they made me laugh! I hope you continue to write and slice on Tuesdays because that is where the community grows.

    1. Thank you very much for your support throughout the challenge. I'll see you on Tuesday!!

  2. Congratulations on climbing that slicing hill! YOU DID IT! Keep on writing - you've got this!

  3. This is such a lovely, symbolic story of triumph! Something I kind of needed today! Congrats!

  4. I love the way your slice makes so many connections to my own feelings! Congratulations. It was a pleasure to get to know you a bit through your slices. I hope to still "see" you on Tuesdays!
