Wednesday, March 6, 2019

SOL#6 Honesty

Today, I told my dear friend and colleague that I accepted the Slice of Life Challenge.  It's real now.  It reminds me of when I told her I was auditioning for a play at my local theatre.  As soon as I told her that I was thinking about auditioning I knew that I had to go through with it.  Being honest keeps us accountable.
When we open ourselves up and let others know about our challenges, we are so vulnerable. People are now able to see us fall flat on our face but being part of this community, I am learning that we are also allowing others to encourage us, lift us and move us forward.
I am hoping that the collaboration opportunities that I offer my students help them be the kinds of people who can be honest about their challenges and also be the warm support that others need.
In being honest, my lunch is almost over and I need to not only feed my stomach but I'm looking forward to reading your slices.


  1. I think that when we share our challenges, we empower people to accept their troubles and failures. Also, there is something really freeing about letting it all out.

  2. You are brave. I told my closest friends about my blog this year - nine years after I started it. I like this writing community. Everyone has been super supportive and encouraging. Enjoy the writing journey!

  3. I was always hesitant about sharing my blog, but now it is just a part of who I am. Like introducing my children. This community is one of the best! So glad you are braving the challenge!

  4. Love how this community is so supportive. Welcome to the challenge.

  5. I keep my blog pretty quiet, but do tell people about the SOL Challenge. I have been enjoying reading your slices. You are already following through on your challenge- well done, you!

  6. It's hard to "go public" about your writing. Even though I share my blog with my virtual friends (many of whom I now know), I rarely share links to it on Facebook. Strange, right?

    Glad slicing is going well. Hope you enjoyed your lunch!
